Day Ids
Why Day360 – IDS™ ?
Lighting in buildings has been debated and evolving on three thought processes.
The first thought is, as buildings consume 30% electric energy for lighting, reduction of this consumption with use of energy efficient lighting technologies is become a mandate. CFL, T5 ,LED lighting has evolved as offshoot of this idea.
The second thought is, studies and use of lighting controls have demonstrated significant reduction up to 25-30% of lighting energy consumption. So proper use of lighting controls is very important for energy savings and convenience.
The third thought is with research showing the beneficial aspects of Daylighting in terms of psychological, physiological and energy savings, use of Daylighting is mandated through forums of green buildings and architecture.
At skyshade, we integrated all the three ideas on single platform resulting in the product INTEGRATED DAYLIGHTING SYSTEM. The system works with Daylighting as central theme and controlling electric lighting based on it.
I hope our customers will appreciate the idea behind the product and the significant benefits it transfers to them.